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ESP32 with 2 channel relay module

ESP32 with 2 channel relay module tutorial

Hardware Setup:

  1. Gather the necessary components:

    • ESP32 development board
    • 2-channel relay module
    • Jumper wires
    • Breadboard (optional)
    • Power supply (3.3V or 5V)
  2. Connect the ESP32 to the relay module:

    • Connect the relay module’s input pins to the ESP32’s GPIO pins (e.g., GPIO13 and GPIO14).
    • Connect the relay module’s power supply to the ESP32’s 3.3V or 5V output.
    • Connect the ground pins of the ESP32 and relay module together.

Software Setup:

  1. Install the Arduino IDE: Download and install the Arduino IDE from [invalid URL removed].
  2. Install the ESP32 board support package: Open the Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences, and add the following URL to the Additional Boards Manager URLs field: Then, go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager and install the “ESP32” board.
  3. Create a new Arduino sketch: Open the Arduino IDE and create a new sketch.

Code: C++

#include <ESP32.h>

const int relay1Pin = 18;
const int relay2Pin = 19;

void setup(){
  pinMode(relay1Pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(relay2Pin, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
  // Control relay 1
  digitalWrite(relay1Pin, HIGH); // Turn relay 1 on
  delay(1000); // Wait for 1 second
  digitalWrite(relay1Pin, LOW); // Turn relay 1 off

  // Control relay 2
  digitalWrite(relay2Pin, HIGH); // Turn relay 2 on
  digitalWrite(relay2Pin, LOW); // Turn relay 2 off


  • The code includes the ESP32 library to provide specific functions for the ESP32.
  • The relay1Pin and relay2Pin variables define the GPIO pins connected to the relay module’s input pins.
  • In the setup() function, the GPIO pins are initialized as outputs.
  • In the loop() function, the code repeatedly controls the relays by setting the output pins to HIGH (on) and LOW (off) using the digitalWrite() function. The delay() function is used to introduce a pause between switching the relays.

Uploading the Code:

  1. Connect the ESP32 to your computer.
  2. Select the correct board and port in the Arduino IDE.
  3. Compile and upload the code to the ESP32.


  1. Power on the ESP32 and relay module.
  2. Observe the connected devices to verify if they are being controlled by the relays as expected.

Additional Notes:

  • You can customize the code to control the relays based on different conditions, such as sensor inputs or external commands.
  • For more complex applications, consider using libraries like WiFiManager for network configuration or Blynk for remote control.
  • Ensure that the relay module’s ratings are suitable for the devices you want to control.
  • If you encounter issues, check the wiring, power supply, and code for errors.

By following these steps, you can effectively use an ESP32 to control external devices through a 2-channel relay module.

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