ultrasonic with esp32

ESP32 with ultrasonic Sensor

ESP32 and NewPing library for ultrasonic distance measurements. Here's a comprehensive guide incorporating the best aspects of previous responses and addressing potential issues:Hardware Setup:ESP32: Connect the ESP32's GPIO pins (e.g., TRIGGER and ECHO) to the corresponding pins on your ultrasonic sensor. Ensure proper wiring and power supply.Ultrasonic Sensor: Follow the sensor's datasheet for specific connection instructions. Many sensors have a TRIGGER pin for sending pulses and an ECHO pin for receiving echoes.#include <NewPing.h>// Define sensor pins #define TRIGGER_PIN 33 #define ECHO_PIN 34//...

ESP32 and BMP180

ESP32 and BMP180

Hardware Setup:Obtain necessary components:ESP32 development board (e.g., ESP32-WROOM-32)BMP180 pressure and temperature sensor moduleBreadboardJumper wiresResistors (optional, depending on BMP180 module)Connect the components:Refer to the BMP180 datasheet for pinout information and connection guidelines.Connect the BMP180's VCC pin to the ESP32's 3.3V power supply.Connect the BMP180's GND pin to the ESP32's GND.Connect the BMP180's SCL pin to the ESP32's SDA pin.Connect the BMP180's SDO pin to the ESP32's SCL pin (if applicable).If your BMP180...


ESP32 with TDS sensor and BLYNK

ESP32-Based Water Quality Monitoring System Using TDS Sensor and BLYNK

IntroductionWater quality is a crucial aspect of our daily lives, impacting our health, agriculture, and environment. Monitoring the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) levels in water is essential for assessing its purity and suitability for various purposes. In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a cost-effective and efficient water quality monitoring system using an ESP32 microcontroller, a TDS sensor, and the BLYNK IoT platform.Understanding TDSTotal Dissolved Solids (TDS) refer...


ESP32 with DHT11 and BLYNK Dashboard

ESP32 and DHT11 with BLYNK

ESP32 and DHT11 with BLYNK: A Step-by-Step Guide Hardware Setup:ESP32 Board: Obtain an ESP32 development board (e.g., ESP32-WROOM-32). DHT11 Sensor: Acquire a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. Breadboard: Use a breadboard to connect the ESP32 and DHT11. Resistors: Prepare 4.7kΩ resistors for the DHT11's data and VCC pins. Jumpers: Use male-to-female jumpers to connect the components on the breadboard.Wiring Diagram:ESP32 Pins | DHT11 Pins ------------|----------- 3.3V | VCC GND...

ESP32 with a 2-channel relay module

ESP32 with 2-channel relay module

ESP32 with 2-Channel Relay Module: A Beginner's Guide

IntroductionThe ESP32 is a powerful microcontroller that has gained immense popularity due to its low cost, high performance, and versatility. One of the common applications of the ESP32 is controlling external devices using relays. In this blog post, we'll explore how to connect and control a 2-channel relay module with an ESP32.Understanding the ComponentsESP32: A low-cost, high-performance microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities.2-Channel Relay Module: A module with two relays that...