Safe Off Switch to Power Down Your Raspberry Pi

Some time it is hard to find solution for raspberry pi.This time we are solving issue : how to Power Down Your Raspberry Pi using GPIO.Step1:copy script from power_hold.pyStep2: sudo apt install python3-gpiozero#connect button GPIO 21 and GND#run below command to testpython3 hold button(gpio21 and GND) for 2 second . your pi will be shutdown.If it is ok then power on your pi3 againStep3:Now execute your script ,when raspberry pi power on every time. sudo nano /etc/rc.local in rc.local file at...


Adding GPS tracking to your Raspberry Pi-based projects

Hi geeks some time it is hard to manage gps connection to Raspberry PI.dont worry we need following item needs for connectivityRaspberry pi 3 USB to TTL adapter (Prolific PL2303) Neo 6M-0-001 Ublox GPS ModuleStep:1Connect your GPS module to USB to TTL adapter(Tx and Rx cross connection Required dont get confused)GPS Module USB to TTL adapter5v 5vVCC 5vRx TxTx TxStep:2connect USB to TTL adaptor to raspberry pi and login to raspberry pi using putty or terminal.Step:3Now run following command to detect...


How to Install Ubuntu


Ubuntu is an open source operating system for computers. It is a Linux distribution based on the Debian architecture. It is usually run on personal computers, and is also popular on network servers, usually running the Ubuntu Server variant, with enterprise-class features. Ubuntu runs on the most popular architectures.

Things That Ubuntu Does Better Than Windows

1- Ubuntu is different. Everything is done via repositories and it uses a dedicated update manager to update both the operating system and all of the applications installed. So you only...


How to install CP2110 USB Driver on any operating system

If you want to start your career in Internet of Things get Node MCU Ch340 v3 or Node MCU CP2110Hi Geeks if you have purchased Node MCU CP2110 .That means you are on Right place.Download CP2110 Driver for Your Operating System hereNext step you know just extract ->next ->agree ->continue.........Now next step to Install Node MCU ESP8266 Library and board manager.I will cover on next post.