296.00 (incl GST)

250.85 (+18% GST extra)

Availability: In stock SKU: IWP-00082 Categories: ,
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The tilt-switch twig is the equivalent of a button, and is used as a digital input. When the switch is level it is open, and when tilted, the switch closes. It is wired to the SIG line, NC is not used on this twig. There’s a surface-mount resistor .

Do you need a special button having a tilting feature? So we are presenting Grove – Tilt Switch v1.1, which you can tilt and operate easily. It is an equivalent of a button and is ready to use with a micro-controller as a digital input.

Inside the tilt switch, there is a pair of balls that make contact with the pins when the case is upright. When the switch is level, it is open. When you tilt it, the switch closes. The SIG pin output is LOW normally. When the tilt switch is upright, a pair of balls inside the tilt switch will contact with the pins and the SIG pin output becomes HIGH. There is a surface mount resistor used in this Grove – Tilt Switch. You can tilt the case over and the balls don’t touch, thus they don’t make a connection. It is wired to the SIG line. No Connection (NC) line is not used on this Grove module.

For all Grove users (especially beginners), Seeed Studio provides guidance PDF documents. Please download and read through Preface – Getting Started and Introduction to Grove before using the product. This is a suitable product for not only Grove users but also all electronics enthusiasts. So, why wait? Buy now!


  1. Grove compatible interface
  2. Easy to use
  3. Simplicity
  4. Long-lasting life

Additional information

Weight0.01 kg


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